Just A Mom

Just A Mom

Sitting at the lacrosse finals last weekend, I had the privilege of meeting some new friends. During one of the conversations, the ubiquitous question “What do you do?” surfaced. I’ve always dreaded and been stymied by that query, and felt simpatico with my host when she replied, “I’m just a mom.” Having replied similarly...

DDIY - Don't Do It Yourself

Missed you all last week as I was helping my daughter settle into her new apartment. Part of me was living vicariously through her, enjoying being back in the city, seemingly in the midst of all the action. The actual move couldn’t have gone more smoothly. It was a fraction of the cost of the DIY system my husband ascribes to, which was infinitely harder...



We were finally approved by the board to cosign for my daughter’s new apartment, which means that we get the privilege of grossly overpaying for a grossly undersized apartment. We’re supposed to feel lucky??? Such a crazy experience. Anyone not from the New York area would think ...

Free Parking

A few weeks ago, I drove a couple of friends into the city to see a show. Miraculously, we found a ‘free’ parking space, or so we thought. When we entered a neighboring restaurant, a diner seated in the window kindly warned us that he had just received a ticket for parking there even though, technically, it was a legal spot. My friends and I looked at each other, shrugged and decided...

Who's Your landLORD?

Who's Your landLORD?

Last week’s blog was a departure from my mostly light-hearted dishing on the Divine. However, I think the passion of Christ deserves serious reflection before we race past Easter searching for the proverbial golden egg. Why? Because hopefully it changes us - and not externally like those extra pounds from all the jellybeans and chocolate. Christ’s sacrificial act of love transforms us on the inside at the core (or crux) of our being, which alters the way we choose to live. When we fully understand...

Via Dolorosa

During the Easter sunrise service, I felt convicted for omitting an integral piece of the story in last week’s blog on the Passion of Christ. One page in particular came to mind. It was the illustration of Christ being scourged. The six-year-old artist drew the event occurring in a traditional house, not in the courtyard of a palace with a large audience. The poignancy of the drawing is that it points to something we all like to gloss over as we bask in the glory of Easter; namely....

Everlasting Redemption

The glory of Easter Sunday doesn’t need to be ushered in with words. Christ’s actions speak for themselves. They are the purest, most powerful expression of sacrificial love the world has ever seen. In my experience people don’t need to be reminded of it, they need to experience it – every day of their lives lest we forget or discount the cost paid for our ransom. Last weekend a speaker shared a quote...

Lay Down Your Burdens

Lay Down Your Burdens

Every year as part of Lent I try to attend a spiritual seminar. This year’s Walking the Spiritual Path focused on hurts, regrets, resentments and their toxicity. The speaker noted something that prompted yet another idea for a Lenten offering – something anyone could satisfy. I think He’ll be pleased with this undertaking – not because...

Meandering Manatees

Meandering Manatees

An amazing thing happened this week that reinforced last week’s theme of God’s unconditional love. I met one of His homeliest creations – the manatee. I don’t know what the manatee’s purpose is in the ecosystem nor do I need to. His value as one of God’s creatures is innate. Known as a Sea Cow, they don’t do a lot except eat. They spend approximately 50% of the day sleeping, and the remainder of the time grazing, consuming up to 10-15% of their body weight per day.* Sounds like a lot of people... 


I’ve had the privilege of spending a chunk of the winter surrounded by FIPs, or so they call themselves. FIP stands for Formerly Important People, though they use this acronym tongue-in-cheek. Sadly, for many, there is an element of truth behind that moniker that can’t be denied. Whether we are in the business world or raising children, don’t we all derive much of our identity from what we do, who we know, what school we went to, or how much success we’ve had – or not – monetary or otherwise? This thinking leads to...


Did you ever stumble over a seemingly innocuous obstacle? Not an unusual occurrence on the road of life. Many of us get tripped up by these kind of subtle obstructions more often than the obvious roadblocks that force us to stop or change course. I happened on one this week while using my husband’s car. Though my driving skills are often the victim of ridicule in our home, I’ve always felt my family’s mocking was grossly exaggerated. Unfortunately, this recent snafu....

Spiritual Adjustment

Driving by a chiropractor’s office this week, I chuckled at his signage, “CRAWL-INS WELCOME!” I’m sure anyone suffering from chronic pain or even episodic pain would find his message alluring. I know people who swear by the healing powers of chiropractors, touting them as miracle workers. I have benefitted from their expertise on more than one occasion. The only issue is that they promote ongoing adjustments as the key to long lasting results. Perhaps I’m a cynic, but I was suspect...

Monkey Business

Monkey Business

With the first week of Lent under my belt, I’ve decided I finally found a fasting regimen that’s working for me – at least so far, which is longer than most of my past sacrificial attempts. This year I decided to give up something that will benefit not only myself but those around me; namely, talking. I heard something recently that prompted this decision. It was an observation that...

Let the Good Times Roll!

This week ushers in the Lenten season beginning on March 1st, Ash Wednesday. Many people celebrate Mardis Gras, but none with more gusto than someone looking at 40 days of abstinence. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Fat Tuesday is when some Lenten observers over-indulge in their vice of choice: sweets, carbs...

What's Your Legacy?

What will people say about you when you’re gone? An interesting question, and one Rabbi Cohen explores in his new book of the same title. His premise was prompted by a funeral he attended. As he left, he considered the eulogy and wondered what his would sound like. Having faced my own mortality, it’s a question I’ve pondered on more than one occasion and precipitated a conscious decision to change certain things in my life. Without a doubt, when facing your own demise....

The Magic Jacket

The Magic Jacket

My husband purchased a new jacket recently. Actually, I don’t know when he bought it. He likes to sneak them in the house and not wear them for a while so he doesn’t have to lie when I ask him, “Is that new?” At which point he responds with an innocent, “No, I’ve had this for a while.” Anyway, buying a jacket isn’t noteworthy by anyone’s standard...

Annus Horribilis

Good riddance 2016. I can’t say I’m sorry to put last year to bed. I now know what Queen Elizabeth meant when she coined the phrase “Annus Horribilis” when referring to 1992. Though it sounds like something you might treat with Preparation H, Wikipedia defines Annus Horribilis as a Latin phrase meaning "horrible year." That said, 2016 wasn’t all bad. There were highlights for sure....

Lights Out

There’s been some contention in our family over the years regarding the timing of cutting the power to my husband’s Christmas light extravaganza. Last year Bob announced he was going to drive around conducting his own informal survey to see how many houses were still lit. As my mom used to say...