Don't Be a Flat Leaver

by Joanie Butman

A term from my youth popped up unexpectedly last week. I was with a fellow New Yorker who called her husband (who chose to return to work after a long hiatus) a “flat leaver.” He had no idea what she was talking about. I’m not sure flat leaver is a New York term or simply a gender or age-related one. It refers to “hanging out with one friend and then leaving, usually to go with someone cooler or accept a better offer.” Flat leaver was an often-heard term in my youth and one you never wanted directed at you. It meant you were being disloyal to a friend – the worst criticism of a person in my neighborhood where loyalty was highly valued. I remember being on the receiving end and can still recall the sting of rejection.

Regrettably, I have to admit there were times I deserved the derogatory title but none more so than in my spiritual life. How many times have I walked away from God for a ‘cooler’ or more popular option? Too manyxn to relay I’m sorry to confess. Even so, in much the same way I’ve outgrown juvenile incidents of flat leaving, I’ve also matured enough to know with certainty that God will never flat leave me. Regardless of how many times I stray, He waits patiently for me to return to the safety and comfort of His everlasting arms and steadfast love.

While I may choose to be disloyal to Christ, He promises to be “with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). His pledge doesn’t give us a ‘bye’ though. I’ve always suffered consequences whenever I've made the foolish decision to leave Jesus/God out of my life choices. He doesn’t vow to protect us from the results of our actions, but He will always help us through them if we choose to seek Him again.

Choose wisely!