
by Joanie Butman

Following a recent bout of Covid, I had the benefit of a week in Florida to recoup. Sitting in the sun soaking up a hefty dose of Vitamin D is exactly what my body craved. I could almost feel the healing power of the sun restoring my strength. Even last winter during a prolonged illness, I would bundle up and sit outside for an hour on sunny days. Despite the chill, just feeling the sun on my face was therapeutic. 

As uplifting as a few hours of sun can be, basking in the healing power of the Son is even more important to our health. It isn’t dependent on the weather, and you don’t need to travel anywhere to access it. You simply need to choose to sit in stillness and let His presence saturate you with His light. The Vitamin D our bodies really thirst for, more than the kind sunlight provides, is Divinity. A daily dose has more curative power than any solar energy.  

The sunroom in our house is where I usually enjoy early morning chats with Christ. During the dead of winter, I am forced to move to a chair by the fireplace for warmth. Truth be told, any room can be a Son-room regardless of its location. He promises to be with us wherever we find ourselves. “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

Why not choose to Son-bathe on a daily basis? It is guaranteed to heal whatever ails you.